Just about Any city in Oregon West of the Cascade Mountains is a Hippy Haven. Oregon is the only state where hippies enjoy a majority at the voting booths come election time. There’s a saying going around “Hippies dont die. They just move to Oregon. During the past few years hippies have been moving to Oregon in droves because there’s employment for hippies here, and we hippies can go full out in our glad rags in public veiw with out being accosted, laughed at or put down. Oregon is a true hippy Haven.
The Cascade Range is full of small towns that have been the last refuge of the hippies since the 70ies. All of these little towns are lawless.And have a long stading hippie tradition. Towns Like Alpine, Deadwood, Falls city, Summit, Berkenfield (Near Portland), Harlan (Behind the Native American Sacred Mountain Marys Peak) Nashville (Where all the Bands just have to stop). Just grab a Map and you can find an old hippie settlement any where in the coast range.
UPDATE: Cannabis is now legal!