View from foot of tower.
Note the “babies” or Miminka crawling up the poles.
It’s art by David Cerny.
Standing 474 meters tall, Prague’s TV tower is the tallest building in Prague. Located in Zizkov’s Mahler Gardens, it’s also an interesting tourist attaction. The tower was started under the communist government in 1985, but finished after the revolution in 1992. There are photos on display of the construction. Besides the stupendous views of Prague from the lookout at 97 meters, there’s also a good cafe and restaurant serving international cuisine at 63 meters. On a clear day you can see 100 km.

View of Old Town and Prague Castle from Lookout Cabin
The lookout cabin is open daily from 10am to 11pm.
The restaurant is open daily from 11am to 11:30 pm.
Admission to the tower and restaurant costs 150 crowns or about 5 Euros.
Address: Mahlerovy sady 1, Prague 3
Phone: 267 005 778
Fax: 222 724 014
Email: info@tower.cz
Website: https://www.tower.cz