This is just a warning to those Americans who come to Holland expecting a clean living, healthy society. Wrong! Like many European countries the Dutch are addicted to cigarettes and tobacco products. They have been very slow to inform their countrymen of the health dangers of smoking. The Dutch have never been known to be overprotective, and their historical trade in addictive substances (chocolate, tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, etc.) have made it hard for them to judge another person’s vices. But as the aging population succumbs to smoking related heart and lung diseases, the economic impact will surely be felt thanks to subsidized medicine.
In recent years the first anti-smoking campaigns have put billboards on the streets and hopefully their children are being discouraged from picking up the habit. However if you’re hoping to find a smoke free restaurant, cafe, pub or coffeeshop (haha, lots of marijuana AND tobacco smoke there), you’re outta luck! In the summer sitting outdoors can help (if you’re not downwind), but in poor weather, most places lack good ventilation, and you will probably inhale a cig or two with your beer or meal!
Recent studies have put Holland at or near the top in per capita tobacco consumption in Europe. Almost 40% of all Dutch adults smoke tobacco. The percentage among women has climbed dramatically in recent years. Economic and political pressure has made the Dutch very reluctant to fight tobacco companies because the tobacco tax revenues are a huge part of the national budget. But of course this will be outweighed when the entire society bears the economic brunt of millions of citizens dying early (hey, but then they get to save on pensions, no?).