The Dutch seem to have an endless fascination with trendy fashions and imported culture. In addition the Dutch are very creative when it comes to initiating new fads. One example is the Big Brother TV & internet show which originated in Holland, where it became a big hit, then the Germans copied it and finally the Americans had to have their own version. Of course by that time the Dutch edition was “old fashioned”, and washed up. Another popular show which is due to be copied in the U.S. is the one where the Dutch pay 1000 guilders to people to do outrageous things in public. Like baring their asses and getting whipped (I’m not making this up!). For some reason this appeals to the Dutch psyche and I predict it will be a big hit in America (it’s already on the Internet).
Another popular trend in Holland is the willingness to expose one’s secrets and flesh on TV. There was this one show where a very sexy, scantily clad woman would interview scantily clad guests in a bed on the set. Often she would ask them to remove what little clothing they had and expose themselves. Believe it or not, this seems very healthy. If we don’t keep secrets from each other, we can be our true selves. Besides making for fascinating entertainment and gossip, it therefore has therapeutic value (catharsis) for the individual and the culture as a whole.
The Dutch seem to be almost obsessed with American fashions. Designer clothes, Hollywood movies, slang, etc. The U.S. is a major destination for vacations and most Dutch make several trips to visit the states.