This chain of Belgian Frites makes some good fresh “french fries”. There are many around town, usually on high traffic streets. There’s a good variety of sauces in addition to the standard mayonaise, ketchup and curry to accompany your potatoes. What all this has to do with a boy pissing is beyond me, but that is typical Dutch humor. Make sure you grab a little fork or you’ll get sticky fingers trying to pull those last frites out of the paper!
Brussels oldest resident, the legendary ‘Mannequin Pis’, is a small bronze statue of little boy. He’s been peeing into the same fountain for 1,100 years – except for the several times he’s been kidnapped. The first abduction occurred during a French invasion in the Middle Ages. When the French king, Louis XIV heard of the crime he punished the offender and returned Mannequin Pis to Belgium, along with a suit of clothes. Since then the famous lad has received over 600 costumes from kings, presidents, guilds, and organizations from around the world. His wardrobe is on display at the museum in the House of the King, and on special days a government official will dress the statue in appropriate clothes.
As far as fast food goes in Amsterdam, this is the best. I always visit the one on the Damrak, and for a couple of euros you’ll get the hugest portion of frites you could imagine, along with an adequate splodge of sauce of your choice. Go dutch and have the mayo! It doesn’t taste quite the same as british mayo to me, but then maybe thats just the dutch air 😉
One piece of advice, Have your money ready and try to have the right change, especially at busy times. The guy just wants to take your order and move on!
And finally, although not directly related, I have nowhere else to put this…AVOID FEBO LIKE THE PLAGUE. You have been warned 😀
The boy pissing is not Dutch humour, this is a Belgian statue and Vlaamse patat means Flemish patat from Belgium. If you are not sure about somethings please dont write about it
The person writing the comments about Dutch Patat must be American becasue he is ignorant! The Vlaamse patat is Belgium and the boy pissing is a Belgium statue hence the connection…are you trying to educate travels??? Education is key
Better still than this Patat shop is the one in the Voetboogsteeg, off Spui-square. Famous locally for years, it makes authentic Belgian fries, top quality.
I think the boy pissing is a reference to manneken pis. It’s a statue in Brussels, I believe. there’s a few legends about it. But right now, it’s a statue of a boy pissing. Pee comes out his parts. and they dress him up on holidays. a nice place to visit if you’re ever there.
i love these fries. as soon as i get off at airport i buy a bag of them, or cone i should say. huge portions and loads of sauce is a must. dotted thru out the city, i visit them as required, a good tasty dinner on the cheap! i luv FEBO also, the selection of hot vending machine snacks, cool!