The popular Blokker chain of stores can be found in most every shopping district in Holland. They sell a good range of household items, focusing on kitchenware, house cleaning utensils, small electronics, plastic goods, seasonal items, gifts and various sundries.
Check out their weekly flyers for specials.
Prices are good but be prepared for crowded tight aisles jammed packed with merchandise and shoppers.
There’s a big three story Blokker on the Nieuwendyke, but most are smaller neighborhood stores like the photo above.
One of my favorite Blokker’s is on Beethovenstraat, in Amsterdam, it is located in the map below, and also found everywhere through Holland.
I recently bought in you shop on Damrak silicon cover but on returning home I find the instructions are not in English Can you help?
it is good value and my daughter bought half the shop when in holland last year well worth a look