De Peper Cafe and Academie OT301

Formerly the Netherlands Film Academie, it was squatted on 14th november 1999 and ultimately legalized as a public space with 2 large performance/rehearsal spaces, cinema, cafe and gallery space with busy programmes of [sub]cultural activities and events.
de peper is a non-commercial, not-for-profit vegan and organic café project located in the building on the Overtoom.
Part of Vereniging Eerste Hulp Bij Kunst (EHBK), De Peper also serves as a meeting place for people working in, or visiting, the building. De Peper crew are always happy to provide information about the events that are going on.

Winston Kingdom Club

The ultra-hip Winston’s on the Warmoesstraat is now even cooler.

With music nightly to feed your soul, this is one of Amsterdam’s favorite places that is blessed with amazing style!

Music or fun every night of the week!

Funky rooms & hostel dorms in budget property.

Barney’s Uptown

Welcome to Barney’s Uptown, the biggest and best “smoker-friendly” bar and restaurant in the whole of Amsterdam!

If you’re looking for exceptional food, great value drinks and an exceptional service then you’re in the right place. Come and enjoy the massively varied menu in the comfort of our beautifully decorated building.

Vondelpark Openluchttheater

Open air venue in the Vondel Park. What makes this place truly hip is the location in Amsterdam’s most beautiful park. Bleachers surround this tent-covered stage which offers a host of events – mostly Dutch for the locals. Sometimes the music is great, and you can enjoy a drink or snack from the vendors nearby. Free admission. Open summers only.

Spaarnwoud Recreation Area

Outside Amsterdam, this is the home of Dance Valley and other huge dance parties – this place cannot handle 100,000 or more partygoers at once. Typically oversold, avoid this place like the plague unless you know the event is hip. Obviously the management has no concerns for you, your safety, or your comfort, it’s just a huge commercial venue for rip-off promoters.


Park Cafe-Restaurant

This is the Hotel Arena’s cafe and restaurant on the Oosterpark. They say “located in the Oosterpark, in a vibrant neighbourhood in Amsterdam Oost. The cafe-restaurant is divided into a laid-back lounge, a cosy bistro and a restaurant with table linens. The large terrace is practically in the Oosterpark, but is every bit as comfortable as it is inside. At Park cafe-restaurant the menu focuses on vegetables, with full flavours, bright colours and exiting preparations. We cook along with the seasons and use plenty of fresh herbs, that if at all possible go right from our own herb garden to your plate.”


This fabulous Renaissance cathedral along the beautiful Princengracht is often used for live performances. The tower is the tallest in Amsterdam at 85 meters (272 ft.). There are tours (f 5) up the tower, but they no longer go all the way to the top (thankfully!). Yet the views are outstanding!

New York Pizza

A chain of NINE shops now. Once upon a time this was a refuge where you could find a decent slice of pizza in Amsterdam. Unfortunately like many Dutch establishments, they keep pizza in display cases, sometimes for hours before you happen to come along. Yes, they reheat it, and it can be a decent bite if you’re desperate. But why settle for something that’s been sitting out for who knows how long, when you can get it fresh and hot (and much better) in almost any Italian restaurant in Amsterdam for just a few guilders more.

Who am I to criticize? Only a native New Yawker (or as I call it, “New Amsterdam”), who knows good pizza when I see it and especially when I taste it! So any place that’s going to call itself “New York Pizza” had better live up to the reputation, and unfortunately when it comes to freshness, this place just doesn’t measure up. Perhaps they should call it Heart Burn City Pizza.