Dutch Canals

You can go anywhere in Holland, and never be far from a canal. These waterways are as beautiful as they are practical. Holland canals serve a number of very important purposes. First they were used to drain the land so homes and farms could be established where once there was water.

Second they provide a means of transport for goods from inland regions to the sea. Third they are homesteads for thousands who live on houseboats. Houseboats are very trendy and can be seen on most canals in Amsterdam. Some are available for rent, however they have become very expensive due to their popularity.

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Holland is one of the flattest countries on the planet, making it ideal for bicycling. The Dutch have far more bicycles than automobiles. Everywhere you go in Holland you’ll see people getting around by bike. In Holland bikes are given a status accorded few modes of transportation. Bike paths exist next to every major road through the countryside into the center of the big cities. You can explore all of Holland by bike if you choose. For the Dutch it is not just a recreational sport, it is a primary means of transport to work, school, even the market. Bikes typically have either a basket up front, or dual panniers on the rear. These come in handy not just for school books or groceries but are often used for children, animals, plants, you name it!

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The Jordaan

The Jordaan District of Amsterdam is very popular with artists and students, sort of a Greenwich Village. Built during the early 19th century boom days it was an area for low income workers to live. Neglected for decades, it was scheduled to be demolished in the 1970s to make way for new development, when the neighborhood came together and protested the plan. Now the area is being restored as yuppies take over. The Jordaan is mostly residential with cafes, restaurants, antique shops, and bookstores. The small amount of traffic in the area makes it very quiet and pleasant to stroll around.

Vincent Van Gogh

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Buy Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear at AllPosters.com
Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear
Buy Cafe Terrace at AllPosters.com
Cafe Terrace
Buy Van Gogh's Bedroom At Arles at AllPosters.com
Van Gogh’s Bedroom At Arles
Buy Sunflowers, 1888 at AllPosters.com
Sunflowers, 1888
Buy The Starry Night, 1889 at AllPosters.com
The Starry Night, 1889
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New Book!

Van Gogh Face to Face:
The Portraits
Without a doubt the most famous Dutchman these days is Vincent Van Gogh. He’s so popular it seems no one can get enough of him, including the Dutch, who pay homage to him by painting walls and kiosks in his style. This famous painter whose short life was full of much self-inflicted misery is one of the best known and loved artists of all time. He lived in Holland and France and painted brilliantly colored landscapes of both and portraits of their people. Holland has several great collections of his work in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam and the Kroller Muller Museum.

Lust for Life
by Irving Stone
Famous biography of Van Gogh made into a movie.

Amsterdam’s Cafes

The Cafe scene in Amsterdam is the primary social milieu for meeting friends. Apartments are so small that most gatherings are held in a favorite cafe. In the summer, everyone sits outside especially when the weather is fine. Cafes attract a very diverse crowd depending upon the location, the food, and the ambience. Brown cafes have a regular crowd of older locals. Other cafes have a more trendy menu attracting a younger group. Coffeeshops attract mostly tourists by selling marijuana and hashish. No matter what your tastes, you’ll find numerous cafes that’ll interest you. The locale, the music, the crowd, and the food all contribute to the ambiance, making each cafe a unique experience. Few cities in the world can match Amsterdam’s cafe scene.

Canal Houses

Old canal houses are very popular in Amsterdam. Some of these narrow buildings are 500 years old. They lean at very odd angles, adding a certain charm to the city. Once taxes were assessed by the size of the frontage, forcing the thrifty Dutch to build their homes very narrow. Some canal houses are barely wider than the front door! Amsterdam now has strict regulations prohibiting new construction in the historic area (practically the whole central city). So ongoing renovations keep the houses livable. Restored canal houses can be worth millions of dollars.

Dutch Fashions

Dutch fashions are pretty wild. These mannekins give you some sort of idea. The one on the right’s dress says the word “fuck” over and over and over. Dutch fashions run the gamut from 50s style plaid sport jackets to gothic black to punk to hip hop to orange everything! And of course, the Dutch are fond of American clothes, but a wave of young, talented designers is creating a new fashion scene in Amsterdam.

Parking in Amsterdam

Since the Dutch have the highest population density in the world, they also have the smallest cars in the world. These cars are so small and slow they are often seen in the bike lanes. Any vehicle under 55 hp is exempt from vehicle regulations and taxes.

Parking is a big problem in Amsterdam, and the government does what it can to discourage people from bringing cars into the city. Parking rates are sky high if you can find a spot. In Amsterdam you must find the ticket machine nearest your car (look for signs pointing towards the machine) and pay for the time you expect to be parked there. Then you put the ticket inside your windshield. In certain locations there are underground parking garages. Look for signs.

Amsterdam, Feng Shui Capital of Europe

Amsterdam is easily one of the most people friendly cities in the world. You can walk just about everywhere, and most people do. The Feng Shui (Wind/Water – art of geomancy) of this city is perfect. Canals are everywhere, and the breezes through the town are almost constant. This creates a vibrancy as energy is constantly flowing through Amsterdam. The millions of tourists who visit notice this and return again and again. You too will be energized, enchanted and entranced by this magical place.


Holland has the most successful flower industry in the world. They ship daily by jet to everywhere. In the spring you can tour the bulbfields south of Haarlem, or visit the beautiful gardens of Keukenhof park, or see the world’s biggest flower auction in Aalsmeer, or just stroll through the Bloemenmarkt of Amsterdam. Whether or not you decide to bring back or ship home tulip bulbs, the displays of flowers in any of these places is beautiful to behold.