Amsterdam Movie Theaters

In Amsterdam going to a movie theater can be an interesting experience. I remember one of my first visits to the Tuschinski theater, I was stuck in a small, hard seat in the balcony with my knees stuck up against the chair in front. I needed a shoe horn to get in it, and a crowbar to get out. In addition the cigarette smoke was choking me, and the interminable “pauze” or break in the middle of every movie was enough to make you wait for the video release.

At the time I thought something was seriously wrong with movie going in Amsterdam. Other theaters suffered similar problems, too, especially the smoke. Well things have been changing, and many movies are now shown without the “pauze”, and some theaters have banned smoking too.

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Fewer Coffeeshops This Year

A new report by Intraval, a research bureau, counts 805 licensed coffee shops in Holland in 2001. This is a reduction of 1% from 813 in 2000. At least one hundred coffeeshops were closed in the past few years as the government sought to reduce the number, and remove the criminal elements from the business.

The new government while not keen on the coffeeshop business isn’t about to close down the remaining very profitable businesses that employ thousands and generate a lot of tax revenue. In addition, cannabis tourism generates a steady income stream for all the other Horeca businesses like hotels and restaurants.

Few if any new coffeeshop licenses are being granted anymore. When tenants leave, existing licenses stay with the building, making it likely they will continue in business as a coffeeshop, unless the government finds a good reason to revoke the license.

No figure was given for unlicensed coffeeshops, of which there are many. Unlicensed coffeeshops are usually in squats or private homes. These are at constant risk of closure should they be discovered.

So enjoy the freedom to skin-up/light-up in public coffeeshops while you still can.

Meanwhile the Dutch really need to address the issue of the backdoor supply of cannabis, because too many growers are still being busted for providing this most important product to the Horeca trade. This is a completely unfair system and leads to corruption of public officials, some of whom can easily profit from a bust.

I believe the best system is to let people grow their own (as many plants as they like!). A plant is not a crime!

Coffeeshop Rip-offs, Part 3: Bio, Hydro, Organic or what?

Before the Dutch started their own homegrown cannabis industry, most marijuana and hashish was imported from various third-world sources. Many growers in these very poor countries can’t even afford fertilizer, and unless they have some livestock around to generate some, the cannabis is grown without any enhancements. Therefore, in the early days of coffeeshops, most of the marijuana was grown organically without chemicals.

With the advent of Dutch marijuana horticulture, the game changed. Now it was possible to control not just the genetics of cannabis, but the way it is grown to maximize such important things as yield, pest-resistance, and potency. Unfortunately the short growing season, lack of direct sunshine, cool temperatures and mold convinced the Dutch it would be smarter to grow indoors or in huge greenhouses.

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Netherlands Overtakes US As Best Place To Do Business

Netherlands Ranked #1 As Business Location

The ‘Economist Intelligence Unit’, a British based think-tank, released their latest business environment rankings.

The ranking indicates the attractiveness of operating conditions for companies in 60 countries and compares the likely environment for the coming 5 years with the previous 5 years.

The Netherlands has surpassed the United States as having the most favorable business climate.

1. Netherlands
2. Canada
3. Finland
4. United Kingdom
5. United States
6. Zwitserland
7. Denmark
8. Singapore
9. Sweden
10. Hong Kong

The Netherlands’ stable macro-economic environment, highly developed financial sector, high-quality infrastructure, and a highly trained and educated workforce all contributed to the recent ranking.

Source: Netherlands Embassy

Coffeeshop Rip-offs, Part 2: Shake & Sell!

It seems making a huge markup on marijuana isn’t enough for the poor coffeeshop owners. Go ahead and ask to see a few varieties next time you’re in a coffeeshop. Look for those big buds dripping with white resin. Did you find them? If not, you’re the next victim in the big Coffeeshop rip-off – Shake & Sell!

Most growers and coffeeshop personnel nowadays have discovered the wonders of pollinator and isolator hash, which is the concentrated resin from the cannabis flower. It’s extremely pure and potent, and goes for a very high price, usually double or triple the price of imported hashish. The demand for this has grown as the Dutch preference for these forms of cannabis becomes more widespread.

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The Zuiderkerk (Southern Church), designed by the famous architect, Hendrick de Keyser, was finished in 1611, with the beautiful tower completed in 1614. It was the first Calvist church in Amsterdam. Major reconstruction was done during 1976-1979.

Nowadays the Zuiderkerk hosts the City of Amsterdam’s planning and housing information center. Here you can find out about city projects including housing, urban renewal, transportation and the environment. You can read about the many municipal regulations including the “‘bestemmingsplans”. It’s also a good place to get the lowdown on new housing being built for sale or rent in Amsterdam.

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Coffeeshop Rip-offs, Part 1: Bait & Switch!

Once upon a time, when you purchased cannabis from a coffeeshop, you could be reasonable sure you were getting what you paid for. Whether the pot came from Columbia, Thailand or Africa it was labeled as such and priced according to its cost to the Coffeeshop.

Then the Dutch got into growing their own, and the selection increased dramatically with new varieties like Neville’s Haze, Skunk, Jack Herrer, White Widow, all appearing on the scene. This stuff was fresh and very potent. Each bud was thickly covered in sticky red hairs and/or white tricome crystals, and there was enough difference between the types that they were easily identifiable to regular consumers.

A glance at the typical Coffeeshop menu today reveals an outstanding variety of cannabis products from around the world! Hashish from Morocco, India, Nepal, Afghanistan, Lebanon. Marijuana from Columbia, Thailand, Swaziland in addition to at least half a dozen Dutch varieties.

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A popular place on sunny days and every night of the year, the Rembrandtplein is always alive with people and action. The park is a tribute to the famous Amsterdam artist, Rembrandt van Rijn, and there’s a statue of him in the center.

On one side is nice grassy area, which hosts a beautiful tulip display in the spring. Shade trees provide some relief from summer heat.

The center park is surrounded by cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, casinos, a bank, a four-star hotel and a coffeeshop. Sit in a sidewalk cafe, order a beer, and watch the show!

Highlife Hemp Expo: Cannabis Growing Technology Showcase

This annual event in Utrecht showcases the latest technology available for those who grow cannabis and hands out awards to the top produce from that technology.

About 70 booths vied for attention selling everything from top quality seeds to get you started, to plant mediums like rock wool for hydroponic gardening, to fertilizers to ensure rapid healthy growth, to self-contained mini-growrooms, to complete computer controlled systems that monitor and control water, fertilizer, air circulation, CO2, lighting, automatically, even remotely via cellphone or the internet!

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New Mobile Phone Law

As of March 30, 2002 using a hand-held mobile phone while driving a car, motorcycle or moped is illegal in Holland. They’re really trying to discourage this with fines ranging from 136 to 2000 Euros. This should make driving safer for everyone, but watch out for bicycles! The law doesn’t apply to them, and they’re scary when they’re on the phone!