Het Karbeel

Groovy fondue place in the redlight district has fine steaks, fish and roasted chicken as well.

Het Karbeel has become a favorite, because the portions are large, prices reasonable, and the service friendly.

Het Karbeel, we hear, is the name of the huge beams that support the many-storied building above the restaurant. This group of buildings is one of the oldest in Amsterdam, on the oldest street in the city.

Breakfast lunch and dinner served daily.


You start feeling welcome already at the door, no high cover to enter the club, beautiful ambiance, great sofa, very very very good sound system, and gorgeous bartenders 😉 The first time I was there was when Jeff Mills was playing which was absolutely fabulous. Just like all the others nights I visited Mazzo after that night. They have a good line-up, changing regularly, so you can enjoy different nights in different moods. Good doorpolicy, relaxed atmosphere, and absolutely rockin’! Not to be compared to the dark weird nightclub for men that the Mazzo used to be………… Finally beautiful people inside who know how to party! I have been living in Amsterdam for 5 years now, and Mazzo absolutely is the most trendy nightclub in Amsterdam!

Editor’s Note: The Mazzo is also known for fine Italian dining.

Five great reasons to visit Amsterdam this season

We love the Dutch for their open, party-loving culture, and this season’s upcoming events will definitely make your Amsterdam visit twice as fun:

1.The Last Queen’s Day (April 30) – The Queen’s birthday is the most popular and colorful holiday in the Netherlands, and this year will be the last for the present Queen Beatrix, who is about to relinquish her crown.

Every year, millions of locals and tourists alike flock to the capital Amsterdam for the biggest street parties, performances, markets, and government perks.

Amsterdam Canal Houses

Take advantage of this day to rent Amsterdam apartments when the city is tax-free and all businesses are unregulated.

Even children will enjoy at the Vondlepark designated for kids’ activities like face-painting, music, rides, story-telling, and craft workshops.

Join the bright crowd who  make an effort to dress in the Royal color orange, dye their hair orange, paint their face orange, drink oranje bitter (alcohol made from orange), and even serve orange-flavored dishes.

2. The Royal Crowning and Wedding – The whole world will watch as Prince  Willem-Alexander becomes the nation’s first king since 1890, marking the 200th anniversary of the foundation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Witness rare musical performances fit for a king while waiting for the Royal entourage.

Better yet, greet the Royal couple at the Royal boat parade especially organized for the public.

Be amazed by more spectacular performances at the King’s Night, a celebration of sports, music, art, and youth.

3. City-wide sale! – The Dutch have this tradition of trading their old goods and showcasing themed products on this day, so for the shopaholics it’s also a tax-free , bargain day!

The generous Queen even joins this bargaining tradition like last time when she bought a second-hand lamp from the locals.

At the Vondlepark, children set up market stalls to trade their old toys and showcase their talents.

4.Bredeweg Festival –  The night before Queen’s day, enjoy a sample of classical street opera, circus, and exhibitions to kickstart the bigger event.

Whatever your taste is, the Bredeweg Theater  will feature everything from Latin, jazz, and folk music to popular rockbands.

5. Gay Day – Queen’s day is also gay and lesbians’ day, especially at the Reguliersdwaarsstraat street party where gay-friendly bars are located. Expect a colorful parade of creative costumes and amusing performances from different cultures.

Amsterdam usually turns into one huge rock concert on Queen’s day, and now with the addition of a King’s day, one could only imagine how jam-packed the city will be. To avoid hassles, check out accommodations early at shortstay-apartment.com

Map of the Jordaan District

Points of Interest in the Jordaan

#1 – The Jordaan District
#2 – Anne Frank House & Museum
#3 – Westerkerk
#4 – Bloemenmarkt (floating flower market)

#5 – Main Police Station
#6 – Leidsestraat – shopping street

#7 – The Melkweg
#8 – Theater Bellevue
#9 – Stads Schouwberg – theater
#10 – American Hotel
#11 – The Leidseplein

#12 – The Paradiso

Map of Amsterdam

Visit Amsterdam with this map. Double-click to zoom in, click and drag to move it around. Change from satellite view to road map to combination maps. This map is great for a walking tour of the red light district using your smart phone or tablet.