Once a wonderful place to hangout on an authentic Dutch canal boat. Now gone, it was legendary.
Category Archives: Amsterdam Coffeeshops
The Bluebird is a very popular coffeeshop that offers up an excellent array of hashish and marijuana, with samples displayed in two large books by the dealers corner (don’t lean on them while you’re standing in line!).
The two-story place can get very crowded at times, and waiting in the narrow space by dealer’s counter for service is no fun. There is a cozy area with sofa and chairs, but those are usually taken, leaving mostly tall stools at small counters. Your best bet is the two outside tables in the summer.
The music is usually good, but it’s not such a cozy place to hang out. However, if you’re looking for a great selection of imported hashish, especially the black kind, like Afghani, Nepali, or Malana this is THE place! I recommend the Mazar-I-Sharif. They also sell some tasty cannabis bon-bons here.
Coffeeshop Juice Bar The Old Church
Nice outside seating opposite from the entrance to the Oude Kerk. A great place to hang in the shade and watch the tourists and “johns” on their way to the red-lit cabins in the narrow alleys that surround the old church. Keep your eye out for the especially gorgeous babes on their way to “work” in the afternoons and evenings.
If you’re lucky you’ll get serenaded by the Church bells during your visit!
The Otherside
THE Gay coffeeshop on THE Gay street. Small coffeeshop, lots of men, and great Space Cake to be found here! Very small place, often crowded.
La Tertulia
This gezellig little coffeeshop in the Jordaan along the Princengracht, is easy to find. Just look for the Van Gogh wall mural with sunflowers on the outside wall. They serve snacks and there’s a few outside tables. Inside there’s a crystal garden with a large assortment of crystals and jewelry.
The Top Coffeeshop
When I visited The Top Coffeeshop, I was the only one there besides the bartender/dealer. The sunlight streaming in made the place seem cheerful and inviting, just like someone’s living room. I immediately took to the place because of the cozy seating and the colorful, funky vibe eminating from within. The beautiful murals were done by a couple of artists yet they meshed well.
I ordered a delicious, vitamin fortified, fruit-berry drink from Germany in a half-liter plastic bottle. I wasn’t in too much of a hurry because I’d walked all the way through the Rembrandt park, and needed a good rest. I listened to some nice dance music and chatted a bit with the bartender.
As I was getting ready to leave I decided to check out their cannabinoid selection, and I’m so glad I did! I noticed they had something on their hash menu called “Warme Oren”. I asked him what it was, and he said it was a tasty Moroccan hash that was good to smoke on cold days because it “warms your ears”, thus the name. He produced a nice chunk of very light, blonde hash. I put it up to my nose and could scarcely believe what I was smelling! It was a wonderful, fresh, pungent odor, like something I hadn’t smelled in years. I immediately got some and gave it a try. It was so damn lekker!
Since that bit was so impressive, I decided to see what else he had and asked to see the Manali Cream. Unfortunately there were only tiny bits left as it was almost gone! I suppose that’s a good sign, and he confirmed that it was very popular, even though it was 25 guilders a gram. I looked at it and smelled it and it certainly looked and smelled good. It was soft and sticky, unlike so much “manali” I’d tried in other coffeeshops.
I decided to wait until I got home to try it as I was already beginning to get a very nice buzz from the “warme oren” that I figured I should try it another time. I was not to be disappointed. The Manali Cream is a very smooth smoke and surprisingly, you really don’t feel the toke until almost a minute after you’ve inhaled!
So now I’m in hash heaven with two of my favorites right here, calling my name right now… Which one shall I choose next??? Yummy!
Funny People
Coffeeshop for locals located across the harbor from Central Station, take the AMsterdam Ferry and follow the map below.

Located on the banks of a quiet canal, shaded by big leafy trees in summer, the Siberie is a great place to visit during your exploration of the Jordaan. Attractively decorated with comfy chairs and delightful artworks on the wall, the Siberie exudes a little class, unlike most coffeeshops in Amsterdam.
We enjoyed our visit there, to get out of a downpour one afternoon while poking around town. I was pleasantly surprised by the service, selection and coziness of the place. With huge double doors opening onto the sidewalk, the air inside is fresh and the music relaxing.
The dealer recommended some Siberian Tiger grass, which turned out to be a great suggestion. The grass was very aromatic, and dry enough to roll a pure joint, American style. I proceeded to get wasted and enjoyed the wait until the rain stopped, and then I was back on my way around town. In a very pleasant mood indeed.
I recommend the Siberie as a wonderful place for a quick visit – grab a drink and a smoke, relax to some nice music, perhaps make a new friend or two and have fun.
Brouwersgracht 11
The Baba Coffeeshop is in a new location, see the map below to stumble upon it while doing your coffeeshop crawl.
HIGHLY rated!
I usually stop by Johnny’s whenever I visit the Jordaan to rest my legs and my mind. The outside wicker chair seating is comfortable and enticing on warm days. The staff is very friendly. Inside it’s a bit cramped, yet cozy. The music is usually good, never at odds with the mood of the place.
Located right on the small Johnny Jordaanplein, it’s a rather pleasant location.
The shop seems popular with the locals, as they can be seen popping in on their way home after work to pick up a little “pick-me-up”. I gather they also do a decent morning business as they have early hours for a coffeeshop.
I once had an extraordinary experience here. I met god. Or so he claimed. He looked more like a genetic cross between Aqualung and Charles Manson. We had a very intense conversation, and he got too excited, and started screaming. The staff had to ask him to leave, and a few minutes later we heard him over in the urinoir on the corner yelling at the top of his lungs “fuck god” over and over…
Fortunately, that god isn’t a regular at this otherwise pleasant coffeeshop.